Gay Dads Australia have just received notification that Growing Generations together with The Fertility Center of Las Vegas will be holding 3 seminars in Australia in mid December. The Flyer is attached.
BrisbaneMonday, 15 December 2014 6:00-8:00pmUniting Church Hall 52 Merthyr Road, New Farm, QLD 4005MelbourneWednesday, 17 December 2014 6:00-8:00pmSeminar Room One State Library ofVictoria 328 Swanston StreetMelbourneVictoria 3000 Tel +613 86647291SydneySaturday, 20 December 2014 3:00-5:00pmSydney Mechanics’ School ofArts MitchellTheatre 280 Pitt Street
The Speakers include:
Stephen Page - Surrogacy Lawyer from Harrington Family Lawyers in BrisbaneDr Kim Bergman, Psychologist and Co-Owner of Surrogacy Agency, Growing Generations, Los AngelesSaid T Daneshmand MD, the Practice Director at The Fertility Center of Las Vegas.
If you wish to attend, please see details on the flyer. This is a free event.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The moderators of Gay Dads Australia have a strict policy to not endorse any agency, lawyers, clinics etc with respect to Surrogacy. We will however promote free seminar events by Agencies (etc) when they come to Australia. They happen rarely and so they are an opportunity to meet relevant people in the industry without having to venture overseas first.
Take advantage of these opportunities, even if you are planning to use a different agency or IVF clinic. Many of the issues they cover will be similar.
As always, if people are aware of other free surrogacy related events coming to Australia, please let us know.